Saturday, February 12, 2005

Feb. 13, 2005


I know it has been a long time since my last entry. There has been a lot going on in my life. My fiance' Dave was sentenced to 5 months in Morgan Town Federal Prison. I was there all the way up until I had to drop him off at the front door and they told me that this was as far as I could go.........say your goodbye's now. It was a very sad moment....and at that moment you realize that the person you love is about to step into a very unpleasant world for almost 1/2 a year. If you think about the life-style of a bodybuilder you would understand that being taken away from your daily rituals is enough punishment in itself. Imagine........Not being able to eat every 2-3 hours, being limited on protein intake, no mutli-vitamins, Glucosamine, creatine, protein shakes, limited training facility..............Do you know that they are restricting protein intake and are planning on dissolving the gym in MAY at Morgantown. They do not want the inmates working out for fear that they might overpower the guards. How about silly things like not being able to shave ( you know how most bodybuilders shave their entire bodies ); not being able to have massages, chiropractic adjustments, and active release treatments. How about being forced to eat corn flakes and whole milk in the morning, fried chicken and tator tots for lunch and 4 oz of Salsbury Steak for dinner. Can you imagine?

For all of you who do not KNOW Dave or have judged him in the past.............has some heart in this matter. For any bodybuilder out know that being taken away from your Rituals would drive you insane. If you have some spare time, please write him a letter. Give your support. He can only recieve soft cover books and magazine. No food ( we can't send protein bars, protein powder, etc........) It isn't allowed. He told me that everyone loves Muscle Magazines, send away. Dave also loves Car magazine, Spiritual magazine and books, and anything to do with animals. He loves his dogs and cats.

Here is his address:
FCI Morgantown
P.O. Box 1000Morgantown, WV 26507

On a final note.............I made a last minute decision to go to the ARNOLD CLASSIC. I wasn't going to go........I had turned down the invite to help Dave through this horrible situation. But, I am helping Shawn Ray with the PROMOTION of the MUSCLE CAMP help March 26 here in Rutherford, NJ and Bob Bonoms gym, Strong & Shapely. I am also going to be helping Rick Collins at his booth and just try and stay focused on my contest preparation for the May 21st show here in NY.

I hope to see all my fans there--------so, please stop by and say, HELLO.

I just finished a new

Check it out.



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