Monday, May 31, 2004

May 31, 2004

Happy Memorial Day. Can you believe it- beautiful weather on Friday and Saturday, but, it decides to rain today. Wouldn't you know it. Dave and I were just watching movies and taking it easy. On Monday no gyms where open in the area so Dave and I went to Bev's Gym in Syosset. It was nice to see all the competitors training and getting ready for the Atlantic States. Yolanda Tillman was there-- just 3 weeks out from the Jr. Nationals. She looks great. She is 10 # heavier this year- which is what the judges suggested. Figure, Fitness, Bodybuilding- What are they looking for? It is a fine line-- but, that is the fitness industry. Things change from one year to the next.

Anyway--The Jr. Nationals-- is going to be quite the show. I am getting excited-- I wish I could be there. I have to buckle down-- get a posing routine together and fire it up for the Alabama Audience that same weekend.

Hey- at least I will have some recent photos-- it has been a long time. I can't wait to get back into shape -- for some fun photo shoots. So- stay tuned.

I plan on doing an online chat this wednesday--- around 9 p.m. That is the plan. I will do my best to be on time. I want to thank all those who joined within the past month since my site has been updated more frequently. I really appreciate it. I am going to try and keep new material coming. I will take a ton of pictures at the USAs with John Ripa- the photographer for RxMuscle which will be exclusive to my website.

Finally- has a TON of new galleries posted in her MEMBERS Section. If you want to check out one of the hottest female BB's turned Figure- this is the site to see. I was even impressed when scanning and organizing her photos. I am also going to put mpegs from her trianing video with Nancy Lewis- now that is a site to see. She is going to have a TON of great material from some of the best photographers in the industry come August when she competes. So- if you are thinknig of a site to join, this might be the one.

I am going to post two new galleries from my various VIDEOs that I have done through the years-- so, check those out later this week.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

May 23, 2004

I am still in Detroit. It was a very exhausting weekend. I was non-stop yesterday-- at the NPC Michigan BB competition. Let me just tell you- Michigan has a great enthusiastic crowd that supports their fellow bodybuilders. The show was at the Redford Theatre--which is located on Lahser and Grand River. It is a great place to have a bodybuilding show with it OLD theatre style layout. The show was sold out. That is always nice to see for the world of bodybuilding.

I was also helping a girl in Long Island. She placed 1st in HW but, lost the overall. It was unfortunate, but, Tammie placed first in HW but, lost the overall too. It was so frustrating. I really wanted both my girls to win the overall. But, In bodybuilding, there are going to be many more highs and lows. It is just the way it is in this sport. It is important to be a gracious loser and realize that it just wasn't your day to be blessed. But, you shouldn't take away from someone else's glory. I know how it feels to fall short-- especially after losing the USA OVERALL two years in a row. That is a horrible feeling. Trust me! But- you have to pick yourself off the ground and realize that there is always another show. I am very proud of both of my girls.

Detroit brought about some promising new projects. I met my INSPIRATION again, after 10 years. Judy Moshowsky-- the one and only. For all those who followed female BB in the late 80s and early 90s-- this was the woman to beat. She always wished they had a light HW class. It was so hard for her to get down to MW- 132#. She competes at a comfortable 135#. She is only 5'2"-- but, incredibly thick and muscled. I just love her. She is making a come back. She will be competing in the Nationals. I am going to be doing her Website in the next couple of months. I am also going to be doing Tera's website- another BB from Michigan. So - those are two exciting website to come.

I am going be firing up KIM HARRIS's website. So- check out her new all improved members gallery. I will be updating all the content in the middle of the week. So- there is going to be some great content. Remember- she is another bodybuilder who has switched from bodybuilding to Figure. So- it is going to be an interesting transformation. Lot's of cool pictures to come.

Lastly- I am leaving for NYC tomorrow at around 1 p.m. The weather in Michigan was insane. We lost power last night---it was nuts here. I ended up sleeping in until 1 pm. Can you imagine? I never sleep in that late. I must have just been exhausted. I wish I could have motivated myself to get up. I missed the gym. I went there and got in 45 min of cardio- then the gym closed. Can you imagine- the gym closed at 3 pm. Just when I was going to start Hamstrings----------------CLOSED. So- today was my day off. It was that simple.

Finally- I just got an email from Hans. It appears the rumors are true. Wayne Demilla has left the IFBB. It is impacting the sport. The Jan Tana is cancelled. Let the poor women suffer.

To find out more - CLICK HERE

Until this week- Wed. for my online chat--------10 p.m. But, that might change. So- stay tuned.

Friday, May 21, 2004

May 22- 2004

Tonight is the Night Of Champions in NYC and I am in Detroit? What is wrong with this picture? Truthfully- I am really excited about a competitor that I am helping, Tammie Faulkner, she is going to take the OVERALL -- for the MS. MICHIGAN title. Which- if you live in Michigan, you know is a big deal. She won the HW class last year- but lost the overall to the middleweight. HELLO- I can relate to that, after losing two overall's at the USAs.

She mastered my intricate posing routine--- great. I was so happy. In the beginning - I was a little nervous that she wasn't going to be able to pull it off- but, she certainly surprised me.

I am going to post pictures on Tuesday-- when I get back to NYC. You can see the fruits of my labor- I have been working with her for her entire contest preparation.

Today was an interesting day. I went to this POWERHOUSE gym by my house in Waterford, MI. I was actually there yesterday, where I was welcome with open arms as I remembered some of the members and the guy behind the front desk. Everything went smooth- great workout and friendly people.

Ah, what a difference 1 day makes. I went to the gym this morning at 8 a.m. I walked in- as I recognized the guy from yesterday- behind the front desk. All was great in the world of COLETTE. Until- the gym owner ( one of these franchise owners who hates bodybuilders and come to find out, all professional athletes). He hassled my about signing a waiver or liability, paying a daily, and his position on how he doesn't particularity care about bodybuilding or all athletics in general. I asked, just out of curiosity, why he wouldn't extend me the curtsey to train at his gym, being that I am a member of Powerhouse in Long Island, NY and I am only in town to help out some competitors for the MICHIGAN NPC bodybuilding show. He claims that he doesn't even let the Detroit Pistons, Tigers, or Red Wings train for free. He is a greedy gym owner and thinks that I am living in a fantasy world to think that he should let me train at his gym for free. Anyway--I didn't want to cause any problems- just felt slighted that he would take all this time to explain his position on how he feels about bodybuilders and athletics in general. I finished my cardio and had all intentions of paying the daily- but, would you believe they made me pay for the previous day too. So- $25.00 later they allowed me to use the gym. Can you imagine. Sure- I had no problem paying for today- but, to make me pay for yesterday- it was just rude.

You know- I understand that everyone needs to make money. I shouldn't expect anything for free. It really wasn't about that. My picture is on the wall- I have been nothing but friendly in their gym. I know all the employees and members. Everytime I come in from out of town- it used to be nice to train there- to see people I haven't seen in a while. But- from now on - I am going to train at the WORLD gym also near my house. My long time friend- TOM BOSS owns the gym. I should have just gone there in the first place.

What is the moral of the story. Nothing in this life is for FREE. It doesn't matter who you are- or even who you know-- you still have to pay your daily fee at the POWERHOUSE gym in Waterford, MI.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

May 18-2004

Tuesdays are my early morning. I get up at 7 a.m. and rush to the gym which is around 30 min away. I teach a 9 a.m. body sculpt class- which, althought it is a pain to get too-- I love the women. They are so great. The class loves to work hard-- and every week I say, I am going to stop teaching, I can't take it-- after the class, I am glad that I was there.

I am getting so excited for all the girls that I am helping-- It is both Tammie's and Christene's big DAY on Saturday. I am very sad that I can't be here in Long Is. to see Christene compete. She is going to do great. I am so happy with her progress-- she went from 250# to a lean and mean 155# bodybuilder. She looks incredible. Now- Tammie-- she is looking great too. She was worried about staying BIG- that is a big problem when it comes to contest. It isn't about growing at that point-- it is about being lean, ripped, and striated. I had to remind her --- stop worrying about the scale--- you want to come in shredded. You will look better leaner.

I am also getting excited for Amanda, Isabelle, Tammie, Kristy and others competing at the Jr. National's. This is the show. I can't remind you all enough--- the battle is on. Some of the best FBB are going to be competing. The craziest story- they are all young-- most in the early 20s. It is incredible the new flock of girls out there.

It is nice - having the pressure of competing this year at the USAs and Nationals-- OFF. Those shows really push you to the limits--- I am excited about my different direction. I want to preserve what I have-- and take a step back. It is what I need to do for me-- right now.

This will remain MY journey-- how I want to do things.

I am going to push the chat back until Wednesday night-- NO TUESDAY. I won't be able to do it tonight.

I apologize. I will speak with you all Wed. from Detroit , MI. 9 p.m.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Journal- May 17, 2004

I am leaving for Detroit on Wednesday. I am helping a newcomer to the bodybuilding scene- Tammie Faulkner. She is going to be competing in the Michigan and will follow-up with the Jr. Nationals. She is around 5'9" tall and will be competing around 170#. I helped choreograph her routine and will be doing her hair and make-up. I am very excited for her.

I will be guest posing in Alabama-- the weekend of the Jr. Nationals. I am going to miss the excitement. Some of the upcoming best female BB will be making their debut-- Amanda Dunbar, Isabelle Turell, My friend Tammie Faulkner, Kristy Hawkins, and many more. This is going to be the show.

If there was ever a battle of the Female BB-- it will be at the Jr. Nationals.

I am getting back into shape-- slowly but surely. I have had a lot going on-- many changse in my life. Training is going great. I have been working with two new aspiring fitness girls- Elise and Perssys. I have been training with them-- I have really enjoyed working with women who are serious and want to learn. It reminds me of when I first started training-- how it made me feel.

I will be online at 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday. If I am a little late----------Wait for me. I am helping a young lady for a show May 22-----in Long Island.

Peace and Love.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Journal Entry- May 16, 2005


It is Malea Jensen's B-day. I want to wish her a very Happy B-day. Her website is If you know her- send her your happy b-day wishes.

This is going to be the new look and feel of my journal. Thanks to Amanda Dunbar-- I think the job of posting daily thoughts is going to be made much easier. The weather has been amazing this weekend. I have taken for granted the beauty that I have right outside my backyard. I walked out on the deck to have my 3rd meal of the day and couldn't believe how beautiful is was to live on the OCEAN. It is funny- I sometimes still refer to it as a lake---you know, I am from Michigan which is surrounded by LAKES. It really was beautiful to watch the boats and the jet skies leave the bay and venture off into the deep blue sea.

I have started to seriously DIET for the TEAM UNIVERSE and my wedding. We will see what happens. I have a lot on my plate- but, what is new. I am really looking forward to getting back into shape. I have enjoyed getting my website back up to speed. I have a lot more updates to come-- especially video. So- stay tuned. I am getting ready to start taking pics again----although not anywhere near contest condition--It is always fun to watch the transformation.

I have been working on several websites right now--so, take a minute to check out,, and

Those are just to name a few. Lot's more coming-- so, I will keep you up to date on the progress of my website ventures.

This past week I began working with two promising fitness personalities. Perssys Leon and Elise Firestone , both from Long Island. They are going to be fierce. I have them training hard, intense, and bodybuilding style. I can't wait to watch them transform.

I am going to stay up to date with my journal- so, please keep reading. All the old thougths will still be archived. So- they are not gone forever.

Love ya,

MEMBERS-- I am going to have an online chat this TUESDAY at 9 p.m. Be there.