Saturday, May 21, 2005

May 21-2005

Hello everyone!

I want to thank all my FANS for coming out to see my PRO-DEBUT!!! Thank you , Thank you! I really appreciate the love and support. I placed 5th ..... but, it was an interesting night show for sure. I was called out.. TOP 3......then, they realized that they made a mistake. They called us back again....and changed out placings. It was so weird...............I was so dissapointed. I would have been thrilled with a TOP 3 placing at my FIRST pro show.....but, instead it was 5th. I don't know exactly what happened.

Regardless.........I had a lot of fun. That is what it is about. You have to do this sport under your own one elses. It is about you and staying true to YOU! At the end of the day you have to love your body..... and keep striving to create the look that you have in your head.

I have to say, Rosemary Jennings looked amazing. I was so impressed with her package. She really brought her "A" game. It was funny....she was talking backstage about retiring.......I don't know... maybe she is going to rethink her plan. She is now qualified for the Ms. Olympia... I have no doubt that she is going to compete. We will see about that.

Annie Rivechio looked great too. She is just so damn thick. Heather Foster brought her 22 inch waist.....always amazing. It was just an interesting show with lots of different bodies. I am just happy that I was awarded my PRO-CARD and had the opportunity to compete as a PRO. It was a great experience. I am going to eat this weekend........and then get back on a plan for MONDAY.

However.... I did break my finger this past Wed. so training is going to be a little difficult. I don't is never a dull moment for me.

I will keep you posted. I am off to BOSTON to guest pose, this should be fun.


Friday, May 20, 2005

May 20, 2005

Hello everyone!
TOMORROW is my BIG PRO DEBUT. I have a mixed bag of emotions. I am very excited that the show is in NYC.... that makes it so much easier. I am just relaxing today.. doing the nails, hair, getting my make-up ready, etc.........I just can't believe the big day is tomorrow........FINALLY. It is funny.. all the diet, the preparation, the last minute details all seem so intense and overwhelming, yet, when it is all over it is so sad. For bodybuilders, we love the ritualistic behavior of the whole sport. There is something about the suffering that drives us each day to keep going. Bodybuilding is all about dead no consistency... it sometimes isn't how hard you train, following some magical diet.......but rather your consistency to a plan.

All I know... I am tired. On Wed. I was at the GYM and during my last workout while doing Flat DB presses..... I dropped the 60# on my ring finger on my right hand. I was working at the hospital that day so I got an x-ray and we found that I broke my finger. It was a nightmare. I couldn't even bend it two days ago. We splint it and I have been trying to Ice and bring down the inflammation. I was so worred about posing, my ROUTINE, etc..........Just another thing to worry about. Also- I am doing my own hair and make-up.............that was going to become more of a challenge. I am just so upset about the whole situation. I still can't believe it. But, I am a fighter and I am not about to let a broken finger get me down. I think I just like making my life more difficult.

Regardless... it is going to be sad to see this show come and go. I have put a lot of work into this show and hope that I can bring a more complete package to the table. I don't really know where the judging critera is going and what examples they want to, we should see at this show. I can only do my best...........I just want to make this fun and enjoy the whole performance aspect of the sport.

Thank you all for sending me emails with support... it really means a lot. I just want you to know that I appreciate all your love and hope that you get a chance to come out and support me tomorrow..Saturday May 21, 2005! The show is being held at the TRIBECCA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER... you can find out more information regarding the NY PRO SHOW at or visit my Publicty section.

If I do not qualify for the OLYMPIA at this show........I will press on to the SW Pro which is in September. Let's just see what happens.............

It should be interesting. Check for updates........I will keep you posted.

My friend Amanda Dunbar and Malea Jensen are, we are going to try and get a ton of pics tomorrow to put up on the web for you all.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

May 12, 2005

Hello everyone!

Less than 10 days left. I am so excited...I just got my suits from CELESTE, I also had Caron Hospedales make me suits for either the SW Pro or the Olympia. You can contact her at mailto:caronsuits@yahoo.comI am a person that likes to pay attention to detail. I don't want to leave anything to chance. I just finished organzing my make-up and I am trying to figure out what colors to use. Since I am in NY, I have a lot of friends that could do my make-up and hair....but, I think I just might want to do it myself.

I am finally ready ahead of time. Now it is all about fine tuning. I really am giving this all that I got. My DREAM is to qualify for the OLYMPIA and be able to take a month off and be able to fire up for dieting and training hard-core for the Olympia. I am getting excited for the opportunity....the possiblity of even having my dream come true.

I still can't believe that the show is next weekend. It comes faster than you think....I remember when it was 10 weeks away.....then is only 1.5 weeks away. Where does the time go. All I know... I was doing great with my diet...but, it is really starting to get to me. I am ready to just have some REAL food. Not bad food...REAL FOOD. I have been thinking about weird things...I want a is a Mediterranean Sandwich with Hummus and fried chic peas. I haven't had one in over a year.............don't ask why I want that, but I do. Then...some SUSHI...with the RICE and all the goodies.

But- I can't get too excited.......I have a guest posing on Sunday May 22, a photo shoot in Detroit May 28, and then another Guest posing in JUNE a the LONE STAR. So, this is going to be a crazy 3 weeks.

So- for all of my HARD-CORE fans.....come out for a 3 hour drive and watch me guest pose in is the day after my, why not. I think it is going to be fun....I can't wait.

So, stay tuned. It is anyone's guess the turn out of this show.

Friday, May 06, 2005

May 7, 2005

Hello everyone!!!

Okay-- only 2 weeks until my PRO- DEBUT!!!! I am ready.....I am finally in shape early! Now I just have to do the FINE tunning necessary to bring the best package I can on stage. I am very excited and the pressure off being that the show is in NYC! I really just want to have fun and let whatever will be will be.

I want to thank all the people that have stood by me and been in my corner during this contest prep. I am going to miss my new FBB friends like Michelle Ivers, Debbie Patten, Katie Madden, and Sue Zallar who won't be able to come out to NYC to see me do this thing!!! But-- I really appreciate all your support during this 16 week contest prep.

I only wish Dave could be there......this was his dream show. He thought this would be the best show for me to do as my FIRST debut as a pro. Well, let's hope he is right.

I want to encourage all my friends, fans, family etc............. to come out to see the show. We need to support bodybuilding and help keep it alive. NYC is an expensive city and the competitors have worked very hard to compete. We need your support...... Go to my website ( the publicity page) or visit You have to call the Bev Francis Golds Gym for Tickets....516-933-1111.

I am also involved in a special Health Seminar that same week. Monday, Tues, Wed ( May, 15, 16, 17 ) at 6:30 p.m. I will be speaking with Dorian Yates, Yaxini Oriquin, and Vicki Gates about health and nutrition. You can visit my PUBLITY page ... for more details. This tickets are only $35.00 and it is going to be a great educational experience.

This is going to be an exciting month. Right after my show I guest pose in Boston and then go to DETROIT for my sisters BABY SHOWER to finish off the month and finally go to TEXAS to do hair and make-up and also guest pose and the LONE STAR June 4. This is going to be a whirlwind. I can't wait. I just have to keep the diet going..... that is for sure.

Then....let's hope ( Or at least keep the dream alive ) that I qualify for the Ms. Olympia and the preparation begins July 1 ! So, at least June I can relax.

If not.....I press on to the SW PRO. So, Stay TUNED!
