May 21-2005
Hello everyone!
I want to thank all my FANS for coming out to see my PRO-DEBUT!!! Thank you , Thank you! I really appreciate the love and support. I placed 5th ..... but, it was an interesting night show for sure. I was called out.. TOP 3......then, they realized that they made a mistake. They called us back again....and changed out placings. It was so weird...............I was so dissapointed. I would have been thrilled with a TOP 3 placing at my FIRST pro show.....but, instead it was 5th. I don't know exactly what happened.
Regardless.........I had a lot of fun. That is what it is about. You have to do this sport under your own one elses. It is about you and staying true to YOU! At the end of the day you have to love your body..... and keep striving to create the look that you have in your head.
I have to say, Rosemary Jennings looked amazing. I was so impressed with her package. She really brought her "A" game. It was funny....she was talking backstage about retiring.......I don't know... maybe she is going to rethink her plan. She is now qualified for the Ms. Olympia... I have no doubt that she is going to compete. We will see about that.
Annie Rivechio looked great too. She is just so damn thick. Heather Foster brought her 22 inch waist.....always amazing. It was just an interesting show with lots of different bodies. I am just happy that I was awarded my PRO-CARD and had the opportunity to compete as a PRO. It was a great experience. I am going to eat this weekend........and then get back on a plan for MONDAY.
However.... I did break my finger this past Wed. so training is going to be a little difficult. I don't is never a dull moment for me.
I will keep you posted. I am off to BOSTON to guest pose, this should be fun.