Saturday, March 26, 2005

March 25, 2005

Hello EVERYONE!!!!

It has been a long time since my last entry. That is how busy I have been. I don't even know where to start. I am helping some potential FUTURE stars of the bodybuilding world. It has been great. Lot's of choreography, posing, presentation, fine tuning, diet, etc............ I am going to start a before and after section on my, stay tuned on that one. I am 8 weeks out from the NY PRO SHOW May 21st. I am feeling very good right now, finally ahead of the game. I am just going to stay on track and press on. I have no expectations, I just want to entertain. I have a great idea for a posing routine, so it is worth watching even if I place last. At the end of the day, I love the performance aspect of bodybuilding and that is what keeps me coming back for more.

I still have a lot of work to do. My music is going to be tricky, but I am determined to make it work. I am not going to reveal any, you are just going to have to come watch for yourselfs. I can't wait to start choreographing it.

There is so much going on that I don't know where to start. First, my three new sites. - a PRO - FIGURE competitor competing in 3 upcoming pro-figure event. - a bodybuilder from southern California with a ton of content in her members gallery. This is one lady who loves to take pictures. Let me put it to you this way, I have so much stuff that I am overwhelmed with CD filled with 1000s of pictures. This is one members gallery you have to see. ( 18 y.o. or older please) - this is a bodybuilder gone FITNESS competitor. She is fantastic. Her galleries are by far the most creative I have seen in a long time. They are all professionally done and the quality is amazing. She is spectacular..............a must see members section also.

I don't want you to forget about my one an ONLY............ This site is constantly progressing and with the new weekly contest prep pictures, this is a must JOIN. Amanda continues to push the envelope with the best SHAPE in the business. Her site has been around...........but, the content is RICH and spans her entire life. It is very complete. Just wait until she gets closer to contest shape, the photos are going to be off the hook.

My final NOTE.... I love this girl. She beat me at the TEAM U to win her pro-card. This is one symmetrical diva and she can dial it in. That is exactly what she did at the TEAM and the WORLDS last year. Check out her new members site..............there are tons of great photos of VICKI that you have never seen.

Now, as for me..............I have my PREP photos to the NY PRO show in my members section. I am going to be consistent now with only 8 weeks to go. The pressure is on. I still can't believe it. Time just flys...........that is for sure. As soon as I get my music..........I am going to feel much better. That is my big stressor right now.

I am going to be at the Jr. USAs handing out trophies and also the Jr. Nationals helping Malea Jensen. I will also be at the USAs in VEGAS helping out Amanda Dunbar , Tera Guzman, and Denise. So, I am going to be busy there. Then, I prepare for the Southwest Pro in Texas. That is going to be fun. I love Ed and Betty Pariso. I look at my Pro career as a great place to entertain.........I can't take it to seriously. There is no REAL money in competing. It has to be done for the LOVE of the GAME! I just want to enjoy the journey. Believe me...........if Winning the WORLD finishes my TITLE WINS..........I will be satisfied. That is one experience that can't be duplicated.

I am at PEACE. It is a good feeling and a great way to enter your first Pro-Debut. In have to believe in yourself. In bodybuilding..............if you know you are the best than you are the best. It is not a OBJECTIVE is subjective. It is the opinion of, I just want to be my personal best. That is a the WORLD of Competitive bodybuilding.

"Success is not so much what you are, but rather what you appear to be"

My last note, the MUSCLE CAMP was cancelled this weekend. We couldn't get enough year we need to publicize this to the WORLD. There is no reason we shouldn't have had more people sign up for this incredible experience. But, with a HOLIDAY was definatley more difficult. Instead........I am attending the LONG ISLAND BB competition.................Arthur ( a gentleman I am helping ) is competing. He looks amazing. We will see how he does.

Stay in TOUCH. I do my best to get back to everyone, but I read your emails and they mean a lot.
